胡伟国1977年生于中国西安,毕业于西安建筑科技大学城市规划专业,于2006年赴法国留学,2010年在巴黎ENSA Paris-Malaquais建筑学院完成建筑学硕士学位。他在2016年加入德必集团后主持设计了德必姑苏WE“,德必梅园WE”,德必徐家汇WE“等一系列城市既有建筑改造更新项目。秉承”建筑服务于时代,为人而创新“的理念,致力于把每个项目当作一次与时间和空间的对话,使建筑与人在这样的探索中创造出融洽的关系,衍生出更有活力的全新生活方式。
Shanghai DOBE group, Vice design director
Hu Weiguo was born in Xi 'an, China in 1977. He graduated from Xi 'an University of Architecture and Technology, majoring in urban planning. He went to Study in France in 2006 and completed his master's degree in architecture in ENSA Paris-Malaquais Architecture School in Paris in 2010. After joining the DOBE Group in 2016, he took charge of the design of a series of urban existing buildings renovation and renewal projects such as DOBE Gusu WE ", DOBE Mei Yuan WE "and DOBE Xujiahui WE". Adhering to the concept of "architecture serves The Times and innovates for people", he is committed to treating each project as a dialogue between time and space, enabling architecture and people to create a harmonious relationship in such exploration and derive a new and more dynamic way of life.