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Eckart Lange


Professor Eckart Lange


1982-‘87  TU Berlin, Dipl.-Ing. Landscape Planning, with Distinction

1988-‘89  Harvard University, MDesS Master in Design Studies 

1998         ETH Zürich(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, Dr. sc. techn.

2004         ETH Zürich, Habilitation in Spatial and Landscape Planning


Key Academic Posts. ETH Zürich, The University of Sheffield

1990-‘04  Scientific Collaborator and Senior Scientist, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
City & Landscape Network (NSL), Head of Landscape Research Group

2004 -      Professor of Landscape, Head of Department (2010-2014)
The University of Sheffield, UK


Teaching, University of Sheffield

                 Urban Landscape Planning

                 Computer Applications for Landscape Design, Planning and Management

                 Landscape Engineering

                 Final year Design Studio, Masters (MLA, MA2), 

                 Special Project Research and Development Study

                 Landscape Research Dissertation


Supervision of Research Students

During my academic career I have examined and supervised 

28 PhDs (including ongoing), e.g. ETH Zürich, Univ. of Melbourne, Univ. of Sheffield

53 Masters theses, the University of Sheffield, ETH Zürich, Universität für Bodenkultur Vienna and Wageningen University. 

Students who I supervised have received prestigious awards e.g. by the Landscape Research Group (UK), the Future Vision Award 2010 from the Landscape Institute or the outstanding student presentation award, Japan Geoscience Union / American Geophysical Union 2017


Visiting Appointments, Visiting Professorships (selection)

University of Zürich; Rapperswil University of Applied Sciences; Anhalt University of Applied Sciences; Free University of Bolzano (Italy); ETH Zürich (Privatdozent); Tongji University, Shanghai;University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences


Selected Honours and Scientific Awards (selection, total 19)

2011         Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture(CELA)
2011 Excellence in Research & Creative Works Award 
First ever European recipient

2011         elected as first ever Academic Fellow of the Landscape Institute

2013         European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools 
2013 ECLAS Outstanding Researcher Award
First ever recipient


Invited presentations(total more than 100)

e.g. in Austria, Australia, China, Japan, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA, etc.


Keynotes and Invited Lectures (more than 100, selection)

2013         EAEA 11. 11thConference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association, Politecnico di Milano, 25-28 Sept.

2015         WorldExpo Milano 2015, La Grande Bellezza del Paesaggio Italiano, Italian Pavilion, National Research Council (CNR), 15. Nov.

2016         Asian Landscape Architecture Conference, 6th Yuan Ye Summit Forum, Nanjing, China 24-25 April

2016         International Landscape Planning & Design Conference (ILIA), Xiamen, China, 18-20 Nov.

2018         Institute for Landscape Architecture in South Africa(ILASA) 2018 bi-annual Conference, Drakensburg, 13 - 14 August 2018, 


International Board Memberships (selection)

2007-08  Wissenschaftsrat(Scientific Advisory Council), Germany

                 Member of evaluation board Federal Agency for Nature Protection

2008-2016European Environment Agency (EEA). Member of the Scientific Committee. 

Only sc. advisor in Spatial Planning and Management of Natural Resources


Editorial Board Memberships (selection)

1999 -       Landscape and Urban Planning(Elsevier Science)
Nr. 1 Urban Studies, JCR Thomson Reuters

2011 -       Landscape Journal (University of Wisconsin Press

2014 -       Chinese Landscape Architecture(Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture)

2015 -      Landscape Architecture(Beijing Forestry University; Ministry of Education of PRC


Research Grants (selection)

2012-‘15  WindNet. Cross-cutting student network award (Energy & Environment), with Dr. C. Jones, Dept. of Psychology (£ 60k)

2012-‘15  VALUE+. Welcoming and Engaging Liveable Community Environments. 
EU INTERREG IVB (ca. € 80'000.-, total UShef € 173’345.-)

2012-‘16  Fragments, functions and flows. Biodiversity & Ecosystem Service Sustainability, NERC, Co-I (£ 110'000.-, total UShef / APS £ 741’000.-)

2012-‘16  WeSenseIt. Community-based Observatory of Water. EU FP7-ENV-2012, Co-I (€ 150k, total € 5.42 million)

2017-’21  Blue-Green Infrastructure in the Pearl River Delta, PhD studentship (£ 105k)

2017-’21  AUT, Adaptive Urban Transformation, EPSRC, PI(£ 358'030.-, total: £ 900k)


Publications (summary)

8 books (1 translated in German/English)

5 special issues: e.g. in internat. refereed journals with the highest impact in the field:
Landscape and Urban Planning(ImpactFactor4.994)
Journal of Environmental Management(ImpactFactor4.005)

40 articles in refereed journals

45 articles in refereed proceedings

35 refereed abstracts

32 book chapters

21 invited journal papers

14 papers in professional journals.


Selected Refereed Journals since 2015

Downes, M. & E. Lange 2015: What you see is not always what you get: A qualitative, comparative analysis of ex ante visualizations with ex post photography of landscape and architectural projects.Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 142, 136-146.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.06.002

Gill, L. & E. Lange 2015. Getting virtual 3D landscapes out of the lab. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol. 54, 356-362. 

Legwaila, I., E. Lange & J. Cripps 2019: Assessing the effects of quarry treatment options on the attractiveness of reclaimed limestone quarries using 3D-visualizations. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, forthcoming.

Lindquist, M., E. Lange & J. Kang 2016: From 3D Landscape Visualization to Environmental Simulation: The Contribution of Sound to the Perception of Virtual EnvironmentsLandscape and Urban Planning 148, 216-231.

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